Building regulations refer to the minimum standards for how a building is constructed. The regulations are developed by the UK government and approved by Parliament. They are complex and far-reaching, but essentially make sure that building or alteration work completed achieves or betters minimum standards of safety and energy efficiency. Some aspects that they cover include: thermal insulation, roof construction details, foundation types, and wall build-ups.
Once planning permission has been granted, we may need to finalise the technical specifications of your project by preparing building regulation drawings for a building control application. The Building Regulations process is different from Planning Permission, but is most likely to be required as well, as approval is often needed before undertaking construction of, or changes to, buildings. Besides ensuring that your work has been carried out in accordance with the Building Regulations, the approval documents will also be needed when selling the property.
REA Ltd can prepare the Building Regulations detailed drawings and specifications required for your project as required for approval by Building Control, whether this is the local authority or a private inspector. We also help with work that involves a listed building and more complex applications are required to protect the character of the building.
Most projects will require a structural design (also known as structural calculations) to be submitted as part of the building control application. We can prepare the structural design report for your project as part of our combined Building Regulations and Structural Design package
The Building Regulations drawings and Structural Design calculations are also useful for obtaining quotes from builders for your works, which helps with planning and budgeting for the construction stage of the project.